The Self Study Business and Marketing Course for Creatives & Wellness Leaders ready to scale their business.


This course is for the empowered soul who desires to:

⚑Grow an online business that supports your lifestyle desires, creates peace in your nervous system and feels safe for you to thrive in.
⚑Feel confident selling with integrity, authenticity and ease using organic social media marketing strategies.
⚑Build a sustainable business from your souls gifts (even if you're not fully aware of all of them yet!) that will grow for years to come.
⚑Create high ticket offers that feel like an extension of your essence and are sourced from within.
⚑Live a flexible, balanced and abundant life by working full time on your passions.

⚑️start making anywhere from $5-$10k months without overwhelm or working "full time" hours

Imagine when:

βœ”οΈ You have work / life harmony thanks to business and marketing systems that bring in 4-5 figure monthly income

βœ”οΈ Your inbox is full of client testimonials thanking you for positively impacting their lives with the skills and strengths that come naturally to you.

βœ”οΈ You easily create meaningful and authentic content that has your DM's full of potential clients asking about your services.

βœ”οΈ You easily host and close high ticket sales calls with confidence using a process that feels natural and empowering to you and your clients- (no pressure tactics, feeling icky or uncomfortable)

βœ”οΈ You have a simple and organic marketing system to attract, build genuine relationships, and book high paying (2k and up!) dream clients time and time again.

The life you want wants you, and it's time to build the roadmap to get you there.

If you're like me, you're here because you have a natural gift for helping others. Deep down you know it is your SOUL'S work and living abundantly is your birth right. You also know that in order to make the consistent impact + income you want, you’re going to need solid systems, strategies, and the right mindset to get there.

So if you've ever found yourself wondering:

  • Where will my next client come from?

  • Is it really possible to create a full income without working 5 days a week?

  • Is niching down going to push away potential clients?

  • Do I have to be glued to my screen to make sales?

  • Do I have what it takes to make $5-10k months as an online business owner?

Please know that you are not alone. Just a few years ago, I was exactly where you are. I want to invite you to visualize a new version of yourself :

βœ”οΈ You have unique offers that you are SO passionate about, showing up on social media to talk about and sell them feels like second nature- and FUN.

βœ”οΈ You have an authentic brand and mission that you are proud of.

ο»Ώβœ”οΈ You know exactly how to create magnetic content that speaks to the heart of your dream clients and has them investing in your offers, and doesn't keep you glued to your computer.

βœ”οΈ Looking at your bank account feels nurturing and supportive, and you have set yourself up for recurring revenue in advance.

βœ”οΈ You have met a community of like minded, heart driven solpreneus on a similar journey with you- and they support and cheer you on along the way. No more doing this alone.

Hi beautiful soul, I'm Gabriela.

But you can call me Gaye!

I'm a former multidisciplinary designer and marketing strategist with over a decade of corporate experience with well known brands.

I worked in the corporate world for 10 years with companies like The Gap, Revlon, Armani Exchange, Comedy Central, Urban Outfitters, 3INA cosmetics, and other globally recognized brands...but the problem was that I felt unfulfilled, uninspired, and eventually burnt out.

I always knew I wanted to make an impact, directly help others, and experience freedom and flexibility with my time, make an income doing what I love...but I didn't believe in myself enough to go for it.

It wasn't until I was forced out of my comfort zone (I was laid off from my 9-5 job with no back up plan) that I dove head first into my personal development journey, gained an understanding how to use the power of my subconscious mind, began owning my spirituality and intuition, that I finally built my online business and began bringing in $5-10k months consistently.

Since starting my business in 2019, I have worked with creatives, coaches, mentors, healers and lightworkers from all over the world, and I have helped them find soul alignment in their business, create alternative revenue streams, connect their passions into uniquely premium offers, learn about energetic and practical sales tools, systems and business strategies in order to help them share their gifts with the world and make an abundant living from it.

After seeing the success of my own creative knowledge sharing business, and seeing my clients create similar results for themselves- I know that these systems are tested and true.

Scaling an online coaching business does not have to be draining or overwhelming. You don’t have to have years of sales experience to book high ticket clients, you do not have to be a marketing genius to attract soulmate clients organically, and you definitely do not have a ton of followers to make a sustainable and profitable business using social media alone.

Read about the results from what you will learn inside!

Pablo B.
👔 Image Consultant & Coach

" In the past I’ve had business ideas that I didn’t move forward with because I was overwhelmed with the work involved in bringing it to life. For the first time, I feel so aligned with what I’m doing that I am energized to take my business forward and keep it growing. I have already signed two clients for €3,000 and the program isn’t even complete yet! "

Eva R.
🎨 Paper Artist & Creative Business Mentor

" I just signed my second client for $2,500.

My first client is amazing and I love working with them! It is incredible to be able to work from the road! I am truly loving it and so happy!"

Cynthia S.
💡 Digital Marketing Expert & Coach

Gabriela helped me uncover hidden talents, passions, and a new perception of the world around me. I am about to take my income to new heights unheard of in my family.

What's inside

  🌻 Welcome 🌻
Available in days
days after you enroll
  β˜€οΈ Module 1β˜€οΈ
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🎨 Module 2 🎨
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🎯 Module 3 🎯
Available in days
days after you enroll
  πŸ’° Module 4 πŸ’°
Available in days
days after you enroll
  πŸŽ‰ Module 5 πŸŽ‰
Available in days
days after you enroll
  πŸ’› The Bonus Modules πŸ’›
Available in days
days after you enroll

When I first started my business…. I dreaded the idea of selling my services.

I was anxious, not sure what to say, I felt weird asking for money, and I didn't have a clue how to navigate sales calls.

I was hoping clients would just magically come to me. (Like many of us empathic, creatives do!) But the truth is, we can't run a business on purely hope and magic.

Booking clients felt like a struggle. I felt like I had to be someone I wasn’t to be taken seriously as a business owner. It was draining, and deep down I was afraid my clients and my β€œluck” would eventually run out.

Over time and continuing to invest in myself and my skills, I finally found the alignment and strategies that worked for ME, and I began closing almost 90% of my sales calls with ease.
Now, being booked out months in advance for my services has become the norm in my business.

You (and your clients) deserve this too:

Inside the Sol Share System, you will learn the tools to make growing your business feel natural, fun and fulfilling.

In this course you will learn:

βœ”οΈ how to uncover your unconscious competences (your natural skills and abilities!) to create true flow and soul alignment in your business.

βœ”οΈ How to create premium 1:1 offers and services that are irresistible to your dream clients and gives you consistent monthly income.

βœ”οΈ How to land on your ideal niche, deeply understand your dream clients, and become the in demand expert in your zone of genius.

βœ”οΈ How to create magnetic content that attracts your dream clients organically - no more hoping and waiting, or working with friends, family or singe sessions as your only income.

βœ”οΈ How to confidently show up and communicate the value of your offer with ease so that you can continue growing your business and brand for years to come.

βœ”οΈ How to leverage IG, FB, Linkedin or Email marketing for lead generation that feels fun and authentic.
βœ”οΈ How to outsource or hire your first team member effectively to get your time back as you scale your business.
βœ”οΈ How to launch your offers in a way that feels aligned with your lifestyle, so that they sell with ease.
βœ”οΈ How to build authentic relationships within your community so you can grow your brand for years to come.
βœ”οΈ Permission based sales training so that you can empower your clients and book out your offers consistently.

In this self paced program, you will get:

Instant lifetime access to the 20+ easy to follow video trainings, worksheets, templates and action guides.
(Value $1,000)

Simplified social media, sales, business strategy and mindset exercises that helped me build my first ever online business to consistent $5 - $10k months in less than a year using organic marketing alone.
(Value $1,500)

Lifetime peer support via a private FB community.
(Value $1,000)

Accountability, energy, and support from your soul tribe of entrepreneurs as you reach your goals!
(Value priceless)

Total value= $3,500.

Your investment:
Not even half of that.

You choose the payment plan:

This course is for you if

βœ”οΈ You want, or currently have a creative coaching, mentoring, knowledge sharing business that you know needs systems and strategies in place to support you scaling to $5-10k months: whether you are just starting out or already making some income.

βœ”οΈ You are committed to stretching out of your comfort zone for your goals as a business owner and person.

βœ”οΈ You are an action taker who knows results come from comittment and dedication, not trying something once and giving up when it gets hard!

βœ”οΈ You no longer want to be stuck in the paradigm that business or sales has to be hard, pushy or sleezy.

ο»Ώβœ”οΈ You take full ownership of your results and know that you are in charge of creating your dreams.

This course may not be for you if:

❌ You want a quick fix or get rich quick scheme, don't believe mindset is an important factor in your success.

❌ You are not willing to leave prior knowledge at the door in order to rediscover and find new perspectives and soul alignment in your business.

❌ You expect someone to do the work for you.

❌ You are not willing to radically put yourself out there and share your story in the name of helping others.

❌ You do not want to create an authentic brand using your personal story as your brand voice.

❌ You want results now and are not willing to trust your process with certainty and belief in your path.

I cant wait to see you inside!

I know we were meant to connect to create something amazing. You are here for a reason, and it's time to step into your power.

Don't wait another year, month, week, to take action on your dreams of impacting lives. You were meant for this work and you deserve to be abundant!


Coach Gaye